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Hablando entre vosotros con salmos, con himnos y cánticos espirituales, cantando y alabando al Señor en vuestros corazones; Efesios 5: 19


AD-AL-T-EV: Worship, Praise, Testimony, Evangelism
""and all this comes from God Who reconciled us to himself through Christ; and entrusted to us the MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION." 2 Cor. 5: 18


We project ourselves to the world, as an instrument of peace, with a message of Love, which through music, seeks the reconciliation of the human being with his creator,the middle environment and with their peers; transformingtheir livesand rebuildthe social fabric of the peoples of the world. In the next four years ADALTEV will become an organization that contributes to social development, the strengthening and growth of the work of God; generating a positive impact on the integral growth of the human being, based on the teachings of  the holy Bible.



We are a musical group, whose mission is to bring men to a deep experience and significant reconciliation with the creator, theEnvironmentyou and your like; so that they canunderstand  the rareason for your existence on this planet,and change your mway of thinking and seeing life and by default itsmanner to live: as parents, husbands, children, brothers, friends, etc.; generating a positive social impact through music. And provide support  to all the people and institutions that work in this direction.

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